My world is about to change but I fully admit that I don’t get how. That’s right…everything changes this Saturday, April 3rd when the Apple iPad is released. Am I the only one who looks at it and thinks of those big button phones that one purchases for their aging parent? Yes, I know Steve Jobs found the English language lacking sufficiently meaningful superlatives to describe it. And, yes, I know there will be hundreds of pre-programmed Apple zombies lining the streets to collect their own personal iPad probably starting Friday evening. But, I don’t understand why I would want an oversized iPhone without the phone or the camera or application software or a keyboard and why and how this gadget will change civilization. Don’t get me wrong, I know it will. But I don’t see how the iPad will revolutionize, say, magazine sales. Why would I buy Esquire for $2.99 when I get the print version for less than $1 and throw it out after reading it for 30 minutes (full disclosure: I am a subscriber – I admit that freely)? I also know I can’t take the iPad to the beach to read a book because it will get wet, clotted with sand and the screen will be unreadable in sunlight. But, I’m sure the iPad will be a huge hit. And I’m sure my life will change. Just tell me how. Someone…..please….?
Tags: hardware, ipad, new, revolutionary, wheel
2 Comments to 'I admit it…I am clueless'
April 3, 2010
Actually, i was going to be one of the ‘pre-programmed Apple zombies’ and Steve Woz. is probably waiting inside Valley Fair Mall now (according to Time magazine).
Speaking of the front camera, I actually tried to simulate of having a camera. the camera has to have a wide-angle lens in order to use it properly, or the other side of the camera can only see your head, not even the background. The engineers have to find a way to break the laws of physics. The reason why the camera on notebook computers work is because it has enough distance between the object, your head, for instance, and the camera on the top of the display. and that’s the front camera. For the back camera, like the iPhone. You won’t hold the iPad to take photos, imagine how ridiculous to see someone to hold an iPad in the air to take a picture of a person, and i’m pretty sure that Apple will put a camera to the next iPad just to put those people into silent-mode. But another group of people will shout at them for the unusable camera, and blah-blah-blah.
Battery life is probably a plus for the iPad, the iPad’s market is between the iPod, or iPhone, and the laptops. Imagine if you’re on the plane, the iPhone’s screen is too small, and a laptop’s too big for economy class. The iPad perfectly fits in. Case 2, a laptop can’t play videos for more than 4 hours, but the iPad can play videos for just above 12 hours (you have to adjust the screen’s brightness from time to time because the the cabin crews will switch off the lights at night, that will increase the battery life as well.) Although most people won’t watch videos for 12 hours straight.
To be honest, (alright, i’m an Apple zombie, but i won’t buy the iPad) I don’t think Apple has found the killer-app for the iPad, they didn’t revolutionized. The magazine sales will probably go up (probably not, $17.29 per month for WSJ on iPad) but since this is a product of Apple, and there is a black Apple logo at the back.
May 13, 2010
Hi Neil,
I am happy, that we again have exactly the same opinion on iPad.
But I think, that Apple have not told yet the true mission for the iPad as a Universal Media Controller of the Home, which will be followed with Apple Media Servers, Apple TV etc.
We will see…
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