Tag: Usability

perfectionI have noticed that as people age, they become finer and finer versions of themselves. Their eccentricities become sharper and more pronounced; their opinions and ideas more pointed and immutable; their thoughts more focussed. In short, I like to say that they become more perfect versions of themselves. We see it in our friends and acquaintances and in our parents and grandparents. It seems a part of natural human development.

Back in 2006, Netflix initiated the Netflix Prize with the intent of encouraging development of improvements in the accuracy of predictions about how much someone is going to enjoy a movie based on their movie preferences and rewarding the winner with $1,000,000. Contestants were given access to a set of Netflix’s end-users’ movie ratings and were challenged to provide recommendations of other movies to watch that bested Netflix’s own recommendation engine. BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos team was announced as the winner in 2009 having manage to improve Netflix’s recommendations by 10% and walked off with the prize money.

What did they do? Basically, they algorithmically determined and identified movies that were exceptionally similar to the ones that were already liked by a specific user and offered those movies as recommended viewing. And they did it really well.

In essence what the Bellkor team did was build a better echo chamber. Every viewer is analyzed, their taste detailed and then the algorithm perfects that taste and hones it to a razor sharp edge. You become, say, an expert in light romantic comedies with a strong female lead, who lives in a spacious apartment in Manhattan, includes many dog owners, no visible children and often features panoramic views of Central Park.

Of course, therein lies the rub. A multifaceted rub at that. As recommendation engines become more accurate and discerning of individual tastes they remove any element of chance, randomness or error that might serve to introduce new experiences, genres or even products into you life. You become a more perfect version of you. But in that perfection you are also stunted. You are shielded from experimentation and breadth of experience. You pick a single pond and overfish it.

There are many reasons why this is bad and we see it reflected, most obviously, in our political discourse where our interactions with opposing viewpoints are limited to exchanges of taunts (as opposed to conversations) followed by a quick retreat to the comfort of our well-constructed echo chambers of choice where our already perfected views are nurtured and reinforced.

But it also has other ramifications. If we come to know what people like to such a degree then innovation outside safe and well-known boundaries might be discouraged. If Netflix knows that 90% of its subscribers like action/adventure films with a male hero and lots of explosions why would they bother investing in a story about a broken family being held together by a sullen beekeeper. If retail recommendations hew toward what you are most likely to buy – how can markets of unrelated products be expanded? How can individual tastes be extended and deepened?

Extending that – why would anyone risk investment in or development of something new and radically different if the recommendation engine models cannot justify it. How can the leap be made from Zero to One – as Peter Theil described – in a society, market or investment environment in which the recommendation data is not present and does not justify it?

There are a number of possible answers. One might be that “gut instincts” need to continue to play a role in innovation and development and investment and that risk aversion has no place in making the giant leaps that technology builds upon and needs in order to thrive.

A more geeky answer is that big data isn’t yet big enough and that recommendation engines aren’t yet smart enough. A good recommendation engine will not just reinforce your prejudicial tastes, it will also often challenge and extend them and that we don’t yet have the modelling right to do that effectively.  The data are there but we don’t yet know how to mine it correctly to broaden rather than narrow our horizons. This broadening – when properly implemented – will widen markets and opportunities and increase revenue.

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iStock_000016388919XSmallBack in 1992, after the Berlin Wall fell and communist states were toppled one after another, Francis Fukuyama authored and published a book entitled The End of History and The Last Man.  It received much press at the time for its bold and seemingly definitive statement (specifically that whole ‘end of history’ thing with the thesis that capitalist liberal democracy is that endpoint). The result was much press, discussion, discourse and theorizing and presumably a higher sales volume for a book that likely still graces many a bookshelf, binding still uncracked.  Now it’s my turn to be bold.

Here it is:

With the advent and popularization of the smartphone, we are now at the end of custom personal consumer hardware.

That’s it.  THE END OF HARDWARE.  Sure there will be form factor changes and maybe a few additional new hardware features but all of these changes will be incorporated in smartphone handsets as that platform.

Maybe I’m exaggerating – but only a little.  Really, there’s not much more room for hardware innovation in the smartphone platform and as it is currently deployed, it contains the building blocks of any custom personal consumer device. Efforts are clearly being directed at gadgets to replace those cell phones.  That might be smart watches, wearable computers, tablets or even phablets. But these are really just changes in form not function.  Much like the evolution of the PC, it appears that mobile hardware has reached the point where the added value of hardware has become incremental and less valuable.  The true innovation is in the manner in which software can be used to connect resources and increase the actual or perceived power that platform.

In the PC world, faster and faster microprocessors were of marginal utility to the great majority of end-users who merely used their PCs for reading email or doing PowerPoint.  Bloated applications (of the sort that the folks at Microsoft seem so pleased to develop and distribute) didn’t even benefit from faster processors as much as they did from cheaper memory and faster internet connections.  And now, we may be approaching that same place for mobile applications.  The value of some of these applications is becoming limited more by the availability of on-device resources like memory and faster internet connections through the cell provider rather than the actual hardware features of the handset.  Newer applications are more and more dependent on big data and other cloud-based resources.  The handset is merely a window into those data sets.  A presentation layer, if you will.  Other applications use the information collected locally from the device’s sensors and hardware peripherals (geographical location, speed, direction, scanned images, sounds, etc.) in concert with cloud-based big data to provide services, entertainment and utilities.

In addition, and more significantly, we are seeing developing smartphone applications that use the phone’s peripherals to directly interface to other local hardware (like PCs, projectors, RC toys,  headsets, etc.) to extend the functionality of those products.  Why buy a presentation remote when you get an app? Why buy a remote for your TV when you can get an app? Why buy a camera when you already have one on your phone? A compass? A flashlight? A GPS? An exercise monitor?

Any consumer-targeted handheld device need no longer develop an independent hardware platform.  You just develop an app to use the features of the handset that you need and deploy the app.  Perhaps additional special purpose sensor packs might be needed to augment the capabilities of the smartphone for specialized uses but any mass-market application can be fully realized using the handset as the existing base and few hours of coding.

And if you doubt that handset hardware development has plateaued  then consider the evolution of the Samsung Galaxy S3 to the Samsung Galaxy S4.  The key difference between the two devices is the processor capabilities and the camera resolution.  The bulk of the innovations are pure software related and could have been implemented as part of the Samsung Galaxy S3 itself without really modifying the hardware.  The differences between the iPhone 4s and the iPhone 5s were a faster processor, a better camera and a fingerprint sensor.  Judging from a completely unscientific survey of end-users that I know, the fingerprint sensor remains unused by most owners. An innovation that has no perceived value.

The economics of this thesis is clear.  If a consumer has already spent $600 or so on a smartphone and lives most of their life on it anyway and carries it with them everywhere, are you going to have better luck selling them a new gadget for $50-$250 (that they have to order, wait for learn how to use, get comfortable with and then carry around) or an app that they can buy for $2 and download and use in seconds – when they need it?


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basicsI admit it. I got a free eBook.  I signed up with O’Reilly Media as a reviewer. The terms and conditions of this position were that when I get an  eBook,  I agree to write a review of it.  Doesn’t matter if the review is good or bad (so I guess, technically, this is NOT log rolling).  I just need to write a review.  And if I post the review, I get to choose another eBook to review.  And so on. So, here it is.  The first in what will likely be an irregular series.  My review.

The book under review is “The Basics of Web Hacking” subtitled “Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web” by Josh Pauli. The book was published in June, 2013 so it is fairly recent.  Alas, recent in calendar time is actually not quite that recent in Internet time – but more on this later.

First, a quick overview. The book provides an survey of hacking tools of the sort that might be used for either the good of mankind (to test and detect security issues in a website and application installation) or for the destruction of man and the furtherance of evil (to identify and exploit security issues in a website and application installation).  The book includes a several page disclaimer advising against the latter behavior suggesting that the eventual outcomes of such a path may not be pleasant.  I would say that the disclaimer section is written thoughtfully with the expectation that readers would take seriously its warnings.

For the purposes of practice, the book introduces the Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA).  This poorly-designed-on-purpose web application allows you to use available tools and techniques to see exactly how vulnerabilities are detected and exploits deployed. While the book describes utilizing an earlier version of the application, figuring out how to install and use the newer version that is now available is a helpful and none-too-difficult experience as well.

Using DVWA as a test bed, the book walks you through jargon and then techniques and then practical exercises in the world of hacking. Coverage of scanning, exploitation, vulnerability assessment and attacks suited to each vulnerability including a decent overview of the vast array of available tools to facilitate these actions.  The number of widely available very well built applications with easy-to-use interfaces is overwhelming and quite frankly quite scary.  Additionally, a plethora of web sites provide a repository of information regarding already known to be vulnerable web sites and how they are vulnerable (in many cases these sites remain vulnerable despite the fact that they have been notified)

The book covers usage of applications such as Burp Suite, Metasploit, nmap, nessus, nikto and The Social Engineer Toolkit. Of course, you could simply download these applications and try them out but the book marches through a variety of useful hands-on experiments that exhibit typical real-life usage scenarios. The book also describes how the various applications can be used in combination with each other which can make investigation and exploitation easier.

In the final chapter, the book describes design methods and application development rules that can either correct or minimize most vulnerabilities as well as providing a relatively complete list of “for further study” items that includes books, groups, conferences and web sites.

All in all, this book provides a valuable primer and introduction to detecting and correcting vulnerabilities in web applications.  Since the book is not that old, changes to applications are slight enough that figuring out what the changes are and how to do what the book is describing is a great learning experience rather than simply an exercise in frustration. These slight detours actually serve to increase your understanding of the application.

I say 4.5 stars out of 5 (docked a star because these subject areas tend to get out-of-date too quickly but if you read it NOW you are set to grow with the field)

See you at DEFCON!

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I’m Waving at You

I have recently been “chosen” to receive a fistful of invitations to Google‘s newest permanent beta product Google Wave.

This new application is bundled along with an 81 minute video that explains what it is and what it does. My first impression upon noticing that little fact suggested that anything that requires almost an hour and a half to explain is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it likely to interest the casual user. I have spent some time futzing around with Google Wave and believe that I am, indeed, ready to share my initial impressions.

First, I will save you 81 minutes of your life and give you my less than 200 word description of Google Wave. Google Wave is an on-line collaboration application that allows you to collect all information from all sources associated with the topic under discussion in one place. That includes search results, text files, media files, drawings, voicemail, maps, email, reports…everything you can implement, store or view on a computer. Additionally, Google Wave allows you to include and exclude people from the collaboration as the discussion progresses and evolves. And in the usual Google manner, a developer’s API is provided so that interested companies or individuals can contribute functionality or customize installations to suit their needs.

Additionally, (and perhaps cynically) Google Wave serves as a platform for Google to vacuum up and analyze more information about you and your peers and collaborators to be able to serve you more accurately targeted advertisements – which, after all, is what Google’s primary business is all about.

All right…so what about it? Was using Google Wave a transformative experience? Has it turned collaboration on its head? Will this be the platform to transform the global workforce into a seamless, well-oiled machine functioning at high efficiency regardless of geographical location?

My sense is that Google Wave is good but not great. The crushing weight of its complexity means that the casual user (i.e., most people) will never be able to (or, more precisely, never want to) experience the full capabilities of Google Wave. Like Microsoft Word, you will end up with 80% of the users using 20% of the functionality with this huge reservoir of provided functionality never being touched. In fact, in a completely non-scientific series of discussions with end-users, most perceive Google Wave to be no more than yet another email tool (albeit a complex one) and therefore really completely without benefit to them.

My personal experience is that it is a cool collaboration environment and I appreciate its flexibility although I have not yet attempted to develop any custom applications for it. I do like the idea of collecting all discussion-associated data in one place and being able to include appropriate people in the thread and having everything they need to come up-to-speed within easy reach. Personally, I still need to talk to people and see them face-to-face but I appreciate the repository/notebook/library/archive functionality afforded by Google Wave.

I still have a few invitations left so if you want to experience the wave yourself and be your own judge, post a comment with your email address and I’ll shoot an invite out to you.

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